Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is it over?

NO it isn't! We went through all of that just to come home and "think" it was over!

We walked into our smelly house after five hours and examined what had been done. Our entire house took the exterminators less than 30 minutes? I thought it to be strange that they could thorougly spray our entire apartment and furniture? 
Upon our walk thru after the exterminators left we had noticed they had stored bed frames and mattresses in our walk in closets. Why would they do such a thing? I had no idea,but was trying to stay optimistic and started the unpacking to get everyone as back to "normal" as we could.

I started in the living room so the kids could sit and have quiet time while we put the rest of the house back together. We also had to cover the mattresses with vinyl zip up mattress covers as well as our pillows!

I finally got into my room and started putting plastic bins in my closet after re-assembling my bed along with our toddlers bed who still slept in our room. The toddler mattress was one of the bed bug homes according to the exterminators as they had noticed bedbug droppings on the underside. My toddler didn't have an ordinary vinyl crib mattress but one of those toddler futon mattresses so it was made of fabric and perfect breeding grounds for bedbugs.

I did a thorough look in my walk in closet to make sure there wasn't any bugs or anything in there since the exterminators put the mattresses in there. I saw this tiny black speckle at the celing near the back. I took a small step stool and took a closer look. What do you think I found? You guessed it! A bedbug, and he was still alive! Still, I wanted to stay positive and thought "well,maybe he was dying from the chemicals and it takes some time for them to die"

At that point, I didn't unpack my room. I kept everything out and only used what I needed and nothing more.


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