Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kitty Litter Kills Bedbugs!

For those of you who already have cats, you have already won half the battle after using this in various places around the house to kill bedbugs!

We were so surprised watch this:

Okay, so you heard it from jackcarpentersax over on his youtube page! So you can grind some kitty litter into a fine powder and place where you think you need to.

Who would have thought these little packets would come in so handy? Kittly litter contains silica gel so that is super!

This is how we placed our silica gel kittly litter:

We bought these little plastic containers at the dollar store near us, they are perfect to put under the legs of the bed.

Make sure you look at the packaging to see if it contains silica gel, I am sure most kitty litters contain it but just be safe and look


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