Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kitty Litter Kills Bedbugs!

For those of you who already have cats, you have already won half the battle after using this in various places around the house to kill bedbugs!

We were so surprised watch this:

Okay, so you heard it from jackcarpentersax over on his youtube page! So you can grind some kitty litter into a fine powder and place where you think you need to.

Who would have thought these little packets would come in so handy? Kittly litter contains silica gel so that is super!

This is how we placed our silica gel kittly litter:

We bought these little plastic containers at the dollar store near us, they are perfect to put under the legs of the bed.

Make sure you look at the packaging to see if it contains silica gel, I am sure most kitty litters contain it but just be safe and look

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Second Extermination

Everyone's experience with these bugs is a different one. No matter how little or large the infestation they are still bothersome and we all deal with this problem differently.

We have turned to the internet and learned of a couple things we can do ourselves while we await extermination. Now of course the exterminators won't tell you things that you can do,but thanks to those who shared online their experiences and what they have done to keep them at bay and kill them we have found a temporary solution and my house has been bug free for a week!

What is it you ask? Well a combination of a couple things, since we have little children we didn't want to use anything that my harm them.

First is such a simple item and something most people already have in the house:

Yes! Petroleum Jelly! How simple right? You take this and apply it to the legs of the beds in your house. In my house we didn't stop at just our room where it seems to only be the problem now but we did all beds!  Read Here for this trick! I was so happy to find that this will keep them from crawling up to the bed!

The next is another simple and inexpensive trick!

Aluminum Pans filled just at the bottom with soapy water!

Put these at the legs of furniture like this:

The only downfall about this is that you can possibly ruin your furniture,don't worry I have another trick to avoid that! We decided to use the soapy water aluminum pans on our younger children's beds for safety reasons. We did this along with the petroleum jelly. Double Protection!

More to come!

Friday, February 4, 2011

More Bites & More Bugs!

Called apartment manager again and reported that the bedbugs are not gone and we are still being bitten!

Something told me that the first extermination went too fast and I still had that uneasy feeling. You know that feeling that your not safe yet.

I have had many restless nights,and have been racking my brain to where these bugs are hiding. After finding that one lurking I decided to take a deeper look into the carpet in that area. What do you think I found? I found at least 5 live bugs in just that area! I took my alchol spray and sprayed the heck out of them!

Here is the newest pics of bedbugs:

 After seeing a handful of these things, I can honestly say it's offensive! I mean I am looking at a blood sucking bug that has my blood or someone else in my family's blood in them. WE WILL NO LONGER BE THEIR FOOD!

6 more bites for my child! I feel so bad and I am enraged at this point! We have really had these things way too long now! I have done my part and feel like the exterminators hadn't done theirs. I have read that it takes more than one application to get rid of these nasty bugs!

More waiting for the extermiantors to come back out! UGHH!

I am not giving up though....The battle will continue!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Battle Continues.....

The night after extermination,something just didn't sit right with me after finding that one bug in the closet. I couldn't sleep,and I had read that bedbugs come out around the 4ish time or just before dawn. I happened to be up and took  my little handy flashlight and took a look along the permeters of my room along the carpet edges (carpet is horrible to have if you have a bedbug problem) and look what I found lurking in the night:

Looking to feed, as if he hadn't had enough at this point! He was exposed a bit more but I kind of scared him with my bright light and had to grab my cell phone so I could take a quick snap before he got away and I needed to squash him and end his lavished nights of feeding off of our blood!

Here is a pic of the flashlight I have been using to scope these suckers out:

After this finding, I am so freaked out and I am in complete battle mode and so frightened that we are going to keep being bitten and eaten alive by these bugs. I have no idea where they are hiding and where they came from. What am I suppose to do to keep my family safe?